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Satat 15

EarthJust Ecosystems gladly invites you to attend the National Level School Competition for Sustainability; Wipr earthian in collaboration with Department of Education(DOE), & HIMCOSTE, Himachal Pradesh.

The competition aims to critically engage students, teachers, and other stakeholders with sustainability issues through multiple perspectives and drive sustainability thinking and action.


Who can apply? 

Schools / Principals/Teachers who are passionate about sustainability and the environment

They believe sustainable life skills need to be imparted to the students and are ready to work with them, and us to win this competition.

Competition Highlights


  • Finding solutions to several sustainability issues

  • Training on themes & Orientation Workshop for teachers

  • Teachers will work with students to make projects

  • Submission of project reports by the team (Team Comprises - Teachers and Students)

  • Submission can be using different presentation formats like: Story Telling/Poems/Drawing/Illustration/Photograph/Video/Data Charts/Graphs

  • Medium of competition can be Hindi/English

Year long engagement with the winning school or any school who is interested in building this as a holistic program to work on their own long term sustainability


Wipro earthian Award

20 Schools with the most well documented and creative learning experiences will be selected for earthian award.


Winning School/team will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 50,000/- by Rishad Premji in a ceremony in Bangalore.

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